Statement of Directors’ Responsibilities
Statement of the Directors Pursuant to Listing Rule 5.68
Corporate Governance – Statement of Compliance
Statements of Financial Position
Statements of changes in equity of Changes in Equity
Notes to the Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
The Directors present their report and the audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021.
Principal activities
LifeStar Holding p.l.c. (the “Company”) is the holding and financing company of the LifeStar Group, which consists of the Company and its subsidiaries, hereinafter referred to as the “LifeStar Group” or “the Group” . The Company has raised finance for the LifeStar Group, through the issue of equity and bonds listed on the Malta Stock Exchange as well as a facility with Bank of Valletta.
Review of business
2021 proved to be another uncertain year as the Covid-19 pandemic has continued to impact businesses globally. While many hoped that th e pandemic would come to an end, the development of new variants continued to impact all sectors globally. Like many businesses, the Company has learnt to operate within this reality and the circumstances obtained positive results. In fact, LifeStar Holding p.l.c. generated a total comprehensive profit of €0.1 million (2020: €0.3 million).
The Company’s assets decreased by 20.4% (2020: increased by 14.4 %) from €35.7 million as at 31 December 2020 to €28.4 million as at 31 December 2021 The Company’s net asset value at end of the year stood at €16.1 million (2020: €17.7 million).
During the year, the Group continued to undertake restructuring and transformation activity to align the business operations with the Board’s approved strategy and to strengthen its capital based. This was achieved by implementing a holistic strategic plan, designed to permanently resolve various legacy issues that continue to negatively impact the LifeStar Group and to support the consolidation and future growth of the Group. Furthermore, on 4 May 2021 the Malta Financial Services Authority approved an offer for sale of 18,518,519 ordinary shares in LifeStar Insurance p.l.c. at an offer price of €0.54 per share (‘the Share Offer’) and the offer of 6,570,000 ordinary shares in LifeStar Insurance p.l.c. to its shareholders in exchange for their ordinary shares in LifeStar Holding p.l.c. at an exchange ratio of 1 LifeStar Holding p.l.c. share to 1 share in LifeStar Insurance p.l.c. (‘the Exchange Offer). From the Share Offer, 10,854,000 shares (for a total value of €5,861,160) were received by LifeStar Insurance p.l.c., whilst 5,897,951 shares from the Exchange Offer (for a total value of €3,184,894) were received by LifeStar Insurance p.l.c. The Group also redeemed in full the 5% Unsecured Bond in June 2021. Furthermore, on 6 May 2021, the Malta Financial Services Authority approved the issue of €10,000,000 4% Subordinated Bonds due 2026-2031 issued by LifeStar Insurance p.l.c. (the “Subordinated Bonds”). A total of 24,313 Subordinated Bonds (for a total value of €2,431,300) were received by LifeStar Insurance p.l.c.
Future outlook
Following the successful implementation of the Company’s holistic strategic plan, the Group will continue exploring possible ways to strengthen its capital base, whilst focusing on achieving positive results for the years to come. It is also actively seeking new opportunities to further strengthen its revenue generating capacity which could also involve ventures beyond Malta’s shores.
Principal risks and uncertainties
The Company’s principal risks and uncertainties are further disclosed in Note 1 – Critical accounting estimates and judgements and Note 2 – Management of insurance and financial risk.
Financial risk management
Note 2 to the financial statements provides details in connection with the Company’s use of financial instruments, its financial risk management objectives and policies and the financial risks to which it is exposed.
Results and dividends
The Directors do not recommend the declaration of a dividend (2020: €Nil).
Events after the financial reporting date
Towards the end of February 2022, the armed conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine set in motion a chain of diplomatic efforts and other major geopolitical events which led a number of western nations, including the EU institution and the United States government, to impose a number of sanctions on Russia and Belarus. These current sanctions in place include several restrictive measures of a direct financial nature that are having a significant direct impact on the broad economy of the invading nations, as well as resulting in a downgrading of their sovereign and private debt by international credit rating agencies.
The consequences of these restrictive measures are however also expected to have a significant impact on the economies of the countries implementing such trade restrictions, with a spill-over on the world economy, as uncertainty and market volatility remain high across all industries with increasing tensions and rhetoric on both sides. The cost of doing business is undoubtedly set to rise further, following the initial COVID-19 shocks on the global economy seen in the last couple of years, as the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and COVID-related measures continue to rock global supply chains. The economic magnitude of this will depend on how the conflict unfolds. Different scenarios present different economic outcomes in terms of impact magnitude and on the eventual recovery.
The Company is not expected to be negatively impacted by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine because the Company’s business is predominantly in Malta. However, should individuals continue to refrain from travelling due to the ongoing conflicts as well as the continuous spikes in COVID-19 numbers, the Company’s revenue may be impacted as travel insurance may decrease and the financial investments of the Group may be negatively impacted. The Directors continue to actively monitor the situation, as well as all developments taking place internationally in order to take any action that might be necessary in the eventuality that developments in the conflict start to impact the Company’s turnover and business activity.
Going concern
The Directors, as required by Capital Markets Rule 5.62, have considered the Company’s operating performance, the statement of financial position at year end, as well as the business plan for the coming year, and they have a reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements.
The Directors of the Company who held office during the period were:
Paolo Catalfamo (Chairman) Joseph Schembri (Senior Independent Director) Joseph Del Raso Cinzia Catalfamo Gregory Eugene McGowan
In terms of the Company’s Articles of Association, Directors elected at an Annual General meeting shall hold office until the next subsequent Annual General Meeting, unless they resign or are removed from office. On the lapse of such term, a Director shall be eligible for re-appointment.
Remuneration Committee and Corporate Governance
The Board of Directors has set up an Audit and Risk Committee, as well as a Remuneration and Nominations Committee. The Board of the Company will be submitting to the Shareholders at the next Annual General Meeting the Remuneration Report for the financial year ending 31 December 2021 (the “Reporting Period”). The Remuneration Report is drawn up in accordance with, and in fulfilment of the provisions of Chapter 12 of the Capital Markets Rules issued by the Malta Financial Services Authority (“Capital Markets Rules”) relating to the Remuneration Report and Section 8A of the Code of Principles of Good Corporate Governance (Appendix 5.1 of the Capital Market Rules) regarding the Remuneration Statement.
The Remuneration Report provides a comprehensive overview of the nature and quantum of remuneration paid to the individual Directors and members of Executive Management during the Reporting Period and details how this complies with the Company’s Remuneration Policy. The Remuneration Report is intended to provide increased corporate transparency, increased accountability and a better shareholder oversight of the remuneration paid to Directors and members of Executive Management. The contents of the Remuneration Report have been reviewed by the Company’s Auditors to ensure that the information required in terms of Appendix 12.1 of the Capital Market Rules has been included.
The Company’s arrangements for corporate governance are reported in the ‘Corporate Governance - Statement of Compliance’ section.
Statement of Directors’ responsibilities
The Directors are required by the Companies Act (Cap. 386 of the Laws of Malta) to prepare financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of each financial year and of the profit or loss of the Company for the year then ended.
In preparing the financial statements, the Directors are responsible for:
The Directors are responsible for ensuring that proper accounting records are kept which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and which enable the Directors to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act (Cap. 386 of the Laws of Malta). This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining such internal control as the Directors determine necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The Directors are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company, and including by taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.
In addition, the Directors are required to ensure that the Group companies have, at all times, complied an observed the various requirements, more specifically that LifeStar Insurance p.l.c. adhered to the provisions and requirements of the Insurance Business Act (Cap. 403 of the Laws of Malta); that LifeStar Health Limited has, at all times, complied with and observe the various requirements of the Insurance Distribution Act (Cap. 487 of the Law of Malta); and that Global Capital Financial Management Limited was in compliance of the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370 of the Laws of Malta).
Grant Thornton have intimated their willingness to continue in office.
A resolution to reappoint Grant Thornton as auditor of the Company will be proposed at the forthcoming annual general meeting.
Information pursuant to Capital Markets Rule 5.64
The Company has an authorised share capital of €58,234,400 divided into 200,000,000 ordinary shares with a nominal value of €0.291172 each (2020: €58,234,400). The issued share capital of the Company is € 8,735,160 (2020: €8,735,160) divided into 30,000,000 ordinary shares with a nominal value of €0.291172 each. The issued shares of the Company consist of one class of ordinary shares with equal voting rights attached. The shares carry equal rights to participate in any distribution of dividends declared by the Company. Each share shall be entitled to one vote at the meetings of the shareholders. The shares are freely transferable in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Malta Stock Exchange, as applicable from time to time, and in terms of the provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company.
The Directors confirm that, as at 31 December 2021, Investar p.l.c. (52.60%), GlobalCapital Financial Management Limited as nominee for Client accounts (23.74%) and LifeStar Holding plc (19.7%) held a shareholding in excess of 5% of the total issued share capital.
The Nominations and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors currently consists solely of Independent Non-Executive Directors . It has the responsibility to assist and advise the Board of Directors on matters relating to the remuneration of the Board of Directors and senior management, in order to motivate and retain executives and ensure that the Company is able to attract the best talents in the market in order to maximise shareholder value.
The rules governing the appointment and replacement of the Company’s Directors are contained in Articles 73 to 81 of the Company’s Articles of Association. Directors of the Company shall be elected on an individual basis by ordinary resolution of the Company in general meeting. The said ordinary resolution shall be determined and decided by means of a poll. The Company may, by an ordinary resolution of the members entitled to vote at a general meeting of the Company, remove any Director before the expiration of his term of office.
The Directors can only issue and allot shares up to such maximum amount not exceeding the authorised share capital of the Company, as may be authorised by ordinary resolution of the general meeting in accordance with section 85 of the Companies Act. This and other powers vested in the Company’s Directors are confirmed in Articles 82 to 99 of the Company’s Articles of Association.
The Company is the holder of 19.7% of its own shares, which do not hold any voting rights.
It is hereby declared that as at 31 December 2021, the information required under Capital Markets Rules 5.64.4, 5.64.5, 5.64.7, 5.64.10 and 5.64.11 is not applicable to the Company.
Information pursuant to Capital Markets Rule 5.70.1
As at 31 December 2019, the Company had a loan from the ultimate parent company (Investar p.l.c.). This loan was repaid in full during FY2020. The Company made advances to Investar p.l.c. during the year which were still outstanding as at 31 December 2021. Furthermore, during the year the Company also entered into a loan agreement with Lifestar Insurance plc. Other than these, there were no other material contracts to which the Company, or its subsidiary was a party, and in which anyone of the Company’s Directors was directly or indirectly interested.
Information pursuant to Capital Markets Rule 5.70.2
The Company Secretary is Dr Clinton Calleja and the registered office is LifeStar Holding p.l.c., Testaferrata Street, Ta’ Xbiex, Malta.
Statement by the Directors pursuant to Capital Markets Rule 5.68
We, the undersigned, declare that to the best of our knowledge, the financial statements prepared in accordance with the applicable accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company and its subsidiaries included in the consolidation taken as a whole, and that this Director’s Report includes a fair review of the performance of the business and the position of the Company and its subsidiaries included in the consolidation taken as a whole, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they face.
Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors on 29 April 2022 by Prof. Paolo Catalfamo (Chairman) and Joseph Schembri (Director) as per the Directors’ Declaration on ESEF Annual Financial Report submitted in conjunction with the Annual Financial Report.
Corporate Governance – Statement of Compliance
Corporate Governance – Statement of Compliance
Pursuant to the Capital Markets Rules issued by the Malta Financial Services Authority, the Company whose equity securities are listed on a regulated market should endeavour to adopt the Code of Principles of Good Corporate Governance (“the Code”) as contained in Appendix 5.1 to Chapter 5 of the Capital Markets Rules. In terms of the Capital Markets Rules, the Company is hereby reporting on the extent of its adoption of the Code.
The Company acknowledges that the Code does not prescribe mandatory rules but recommends principles so as to provide proper incentives for the Board of Directors (“the Board”) and the Company’s management to pursue objectives that are in the interests of the Company and its shareholders. Good corporate governance is the responsibility of the Board, and in this regard the Board has carried out a review of the Company’s compliance with the Code during the period under review, and hereby provides its report thereon.
As demonstrated by the information set out in this statement, the Company believes that during the reporting period, it has been in full compliance with the Code.
Compliance with the Code
Principles one and four: The Board
The Directors report that for the financial year under review, the Directors have provided the necessary leadership in the overall direction of the Company and have performed their responsibilities for the efficient and smooth running of the Company with honesty, competence and integrity. The Company is committed to the highest standards of business conduct and seeks to maintain these standards across all of its operations.
Directors, individually and collectively, are of appropriate calibre, with the necessary skill and experience to assist them in providing leadership, integrity and judgment in directing the Company towards the maximisation of shareholder value and to make an effective contribution to the leadership and decision-making processes of the Company as reflected by the Company’s strategy and policies. Members of the Board are selected on the basis of their core competencies and professional background so as to ensure the continued success of the Company.
All the members of the Board are fully aware of, and conversant with, the statutory and regulatory requirements connected to the business of the Company. The Board on its delegates are accountable for the Company’s performance towards shareholders and other relevant stakeholders.
The responsibilities of the Board also involve the oversight of the Company’s internal control procedures and financial performance, and the review of business risks facing the Company, in order to ensure that these are adequately identified, evaluated, managed and minimised. The activities of the Board are exercised in a manner designed to ensure that it can effectively supervise the operations of the Company and protect the interests of the shareholders and stakeholders. .
All directors are required to:
The Board has established an Audit and Risk Committee in terms of the Capital Markets Rules 5.117 – 5.134A in order to assist with the monitoring of the Company’s present and future operations, threats and risks in the external environment and current and future strengths and weaknesses. The Audit and Risk Committee ensures that the Company has the appropriate policies and procedures in place to ensure that the Company and its employees maintain the highest standards of corporate conduct, including compliance with applicable laws, regulations, business and ethical standards. The Audit and Risk Committee has a direct link to the Board and is represented by the Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee in all Board meetings.
Principle two: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Due to the structure of the Company and the nature of its operations, the Company does not employ a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Company level.
Prof. Paolo Catalfamo occupies the post of Chairman and is responsible to:
Joseph C. Schembri is appointed as the Senior Independent Director of the Company to act a reference and coordination point for the requests and contributions of non-executive directors and, in particular, those who are independent.
The regulated operating subsidiaries of the Company, LifeStar Insurance plc, LifeStar Health Limited and GlobalCapital Financial Management Limited each have a CEO or Managing Director. The CEO of LifeStar Insurance plc is Cristina Casingena. The Managing Director of LifeStar Health Limited is Adriana Zarb Adami. In the case of GlobalCapital Financial Management Limited, the Managing Director is Konrad Camilleri.
Principle three: Composition of the Board
In accordance with the provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association, the appointment of Directors to the Board is exclusively reserved to the Company’s shareholders, except in so far as appointment is made to fill a casual vacancy on the Board, and which appointment would expire at the Company’s Annual General Meeting following appointment. Any vacancy among the Directors may be filled by the co-option of another person to fill such vacancy. Such co-option shall be made by the Board of Directors.
The Board has the overall responsibility for the activities carried out within the Company and the Group. The Board understands and fully appreciates the business risk issues and key performance indicators affecting the ability of the Company to achieve its objectives.
The Board is composed of five (5) Directors (one (1) of whom is the Chairman). All Directors are non-executive Directors.
For the purpose of Capital Markets Rules 5.118 and 5.119, Mr Joseph C Schembri, Mr Joseph Del Raso and Mr Gregory Eugene McGowan are the non-executive Directors which are deemed independent. The independent non-executive Directors constitute a majority of the Board. Mr Joseph C Schembri was confirmed in his position as non-executive Senior Independent Director of the Company. Each director is mindfulof maintaining independence, professionalism and integrity in carrying out his duties, responsibilities and providing judgement as a director of the Company.
The Board considers that none of the independent directors of the Company:
Each of the directors hereby declares that he undertakes to:
The Board of Directors is currently chaired by Prof. Paolo Catalfamo. The Company Secretary (Dr. Clinton Calleja) attends all meetings and takes minutes. Under the direction of the Chairman, the Company Secretary’s responsibilities include ensuring good information flows between the Board of Directors and its Committees and between senior management and the Directors, as well as ensuring that the Board of Directors’ procedures are followed. The Company’s Articles of Association also provide for adequate controls and procedures in so far as the treatment of conflicts of interest during Board of Directors meetings is concerned.
The following Directors served on the Board during the period under review:
Prof. Paolo Catalfamo Non-executive Director and Chairman Mr. Joseph Schembri Senior, Independent, Non-executive Director Mr Joseph Del Raso Independent, Non-executive Director Mr. Gregory Eugene McGowan Independent, Non-executive Director Ms. Cinzia Catalfamo Non-executive Director
Principle five: Board Meetings
The Directors meet regularly to dispatch the business of the Board. The Directors are notified of forthcoming meetings by the Company Secretary with the issue of an agenda and supporting Board papers, which are circulated in advance of the meeting. Minutes of Board meetings are taken recording inter alia attendance, and resolutions taken at the meeting. The Chairman ensures that all relevant issues are on the agenda supported by all available information, whilst encouraging the presentation of views pertinent to the subject matter and giving all Directors every opportunity to contribute to relevant issues on the agenda. The agenda for the meeting seeks to achieve a balance between long-term strategic and short-term performance issues.
The Board of Directors meets in accordance with a regular schedule of meetings and reviews and evaluates the Group’s strategy, major operational and financial plans, as well as new material initiatives to be undertaken by the Group. The Board of Directors meets formally at least once every quarter and at other times on an ‘as and when’ required basis.
During the period under review, the Board of Directors met fifteen (15) times . The following Directors attended Board meetings as follows:
Principle six: Information and Professional development
The Company ensures that it provides Directors with relevant information to enable them to effectively contribute to Board decisions. The Company Secretary advises the Board through the Chairman on governance matters.
Directors may, in the course of their duties, take independent professional advice on any matter at the Company’s expense. The Company will provide for additional individual Directors' training on a requirements basis.
Principle seven: Evaluation of Board of Directors performance
The Chairman of the Board informally evaluates the performance of the Board members, which assessment is followed by discussions within the Board. Through this process, the activities and working methods of the Board and each committee member are evaluated. Amongst the things examined by the Chairman through his assessment are the following: how to improve the work of the Board further, whether or not each individual member takes an active part in the discussions of the Board and the committees; whether they contribute independent opinions and whether the meeting atmosphere facilitates open discussions. Under the present circumstances the Board does not consider it necessary to appoint a committee to carry out a performance evaluation of its role as the Board’s performance is furthermore also under the scrutiny of the shareholders. The self-evaluation of the Board has not led to any material changes in the Company’s governance structures and organisations.
Principle eight: Committees
Audit and Risk Committee
The Board of Directors delegates certain responsibilities to the Audit Committee, the terms of reference of which reflect the requirements stipulated in the Capital Markets Rules. As part of its terms of reference, the Audit Committee of the Company has the responsibility to, if required, vet, approve, monitor and scrutinise related party transactions falling within the ambits of the Capital Markets Rules, and to make its recommendations to the Board of Directors on any such proposed related party transactions. The Audit Committee also assists the Board of Directors in monitoring and reviewing the Group’s financial statements, accounting policies and internal control mechanisms in accordance with the Committee’s terms of reference.
The primary purpose of the Audit Committee is to protect the interests of the Company`s shareholders and assist the Directors in conducting their role effectively so that the company’s decision-making capability and the accuracy of its reporting and financial results are maintained at a high level at all times. In the performance of its duties the Audit Committee calls upon any person it requires to attend meetings. The external auditors of the Company are invited to attend all relevant meetings. The internal auditors are also invited to attend meetings of the Audit Committee and report directly any findings of their audit process. The head of legal and compliance, as well as the compliance officers of the regulated subsidiaries are invited to attend meetings of the Audit Committee to present their compliance reports. In addition, the Audit Committee invites the Chief Financial Officer and other members of management to attend Audit Committee meetings on a regular basis and as deemed appropriate.
The Audit Committee also approves and reviews the Group’s Compliance Plan and Internal Audit Plan prior to the commencement of every financial year and monitors the implementation of these plans. The remit of the Audit Committee was also extended to include Group risk management, and it is also referred to as the Audit and Risk Committee.
During the financial year under review, the Audit Committee held twenty one (21) meetings.
The Audit Committee was chaired by Joseph Schembri, who is an auditor by profession, and is considered to be an independent non-executive member possessing the necessary competence in auditing/accounting as required in terms of the Capital Markets Rules. All the members that served on the Audit Committee were deemed by the Board of Directors to be Independent Non-Executive Directors, and the Board of Directors felt that as a whole the Audit Committee had the necessary skills, qualifications and experience in satisfaction of the Capital Markets Rules.
The terms of reference of the Audit Committee include, inter alia , its support to the Board of the Company in its responsibilities in dealing with issues of risk management, control and governance and associated assurance. The Board has set formal terms that establish the composition, role , function, the parameters of the Audit Committee’s remit as well as the basis for the processes that it is required to comply with.
The Audit Committee is expected to deal with and advise the Board on the following matters:
In addition, the Audit Committee also has the role and function of scrutinising and evaluating any proposed transaction prior to be entered into by the Company and a related party, to ensure that the execution of any such transaction is at arm's length and on a commercial basis and ultimately in the best interests of the Company. The Audit Committee oversees the financial reporting of the Company and ensures the process takes place in a timely manner. The Audit Committee is free to question any information that may seem unclear.
Nominations and Remuneration Committee
The Board of Directors has appointed a Nominations and Remuneration Committee, which fulfils the joint-function of a Nominations Committee as well as a Remuneration Committee. In fulfilling the nominations’ function, the Committee is responsible for recommending Directors for election by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, for planning the structure, size, performance and composition of the Group’s subsidiary boards, for the appointment of senior executives and management and for the development of a succession plan for senior executives and management.
Remuneration Function
In the fulfilment of its remuneration matters oversight, the Committee makes proposals to the Board on the remuneration policy for Directors and senior executives, makes proposals to the Board on the individual remuneration to be attributed to executive Directors, ensuring that they are consistent with the remuneration policy adopted by the Company and the evaluation of the performance of the Directors concerned, as well as approves the remuneration packages of senior executives and management.
During the financial year under review, the Nominations and Remuneration Committee met once and was composed of Joseph Del Raso as Chairman, and Joseph Schembri and Gregory Eugene McGowan as members.
Nominations Function
The Remuneration and Nominations Committee is also responsible for making recommendations for appointment to the Board and for reviewing in order to ensure that appointments to the Boards are conducted in a systematic, objective and consistent manner. It is also responsible for the review of performance of the Company’s Board members and committees, the appointment of senior executives and management and the development of a succession plan for senior executives and management.
Executive Management Committees
The Executive Management Committee manages the Group’s day-to-day business and the implementation of the strategy established by the Board of Directors. The Executive Management Committee as at 31 December 2021 was composed of the Managing Directors of each of the operating regulated subsidiaries of the Group, as well as of the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Technical Officer, the Head of Operations and Risk and the Head of Legal and Compliance.
Members Role
Roberto Apap Bologna - Chief Financial Officer Cristina Casingena - Chief Executive Officer LifeStar Insurance plc Adriana Zarb Adami - Managing Director LifeStar Health Limited Konrad Camilleri - Managing Director GlobalCapital Financial Management Limited Adrian Mizzi - Chief Technical Officer Jonathan Camilleri - Chief Operations Officer Michael Schembri - Head Legal and Compliance
Internal controls
The Board is ultimately responsible for the Company’s system of internal controls and for reviewing its effectiveness. The Company has an appropriate organisational structure for planning, executing, controlling and monitoring business operations in order to achieve its objectives.
LifeStar Holding p.l.c. encompasses different licensed activities regulated by the MFSA. These activities include the carrying on of long-term business of insurance under the Insurance Business Act (Cap. 403 of the Laws of Malta); acting as an agent for sickness and accident insurance in terms of the Insurance Distribution Act (Cap. 487 of the Laws of Malta); and the provision of investment services and advice in terms of the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370 of the Laws of Malta). The Board of Directors has continued to ensure that effective internal controls and processes are maintained to support sound operations. The regulated subsidiaries have also set up Committees to further enhance internal controls and processes. These include the setting up of an Asset and Liability Committee and the Risk Management Committee at life company level. Policies such as Risk Compliance Monitoring Programmes, Risk Management, Complaints, Data Protection, Internal Audit and Anti-Money Laundering Policies and Procedures as well as a Conflict of Interest Policy have been adopted.
The Directors are aware that internal control systems are designed to manage, rather than eliminate, the risk of failure to achieve business objectives, and can only provide reasonable, and not absolute, assurance against normal business risks. During the financial year under review the Company operated a system of internal controls which provided reasonable assurance of effective and efficient operations covering all controls, including financial and operational controls and compliance with laws and regulations. Processes are in place for identifying, evaluating and managing the significant risks facing the Company.
The Company has implemented control procedures designed to ensure complete and accurate accounting for financial transactions and to limit the potential exposure to loss of assets or fraud. Measures taken include physical controls, segregation of duties and reviews by management, internal audit and the external auditors. The Internal Audit Department monitors and reviews the Group’s compliance with policies, standards and best practice in accordance with an Internal Audit Plan approved by the Audit Committee. KPMG fulfil the functions of internal auditors of the Company.
Principle nine and ten: Relations with Shareholders and with the Market, and Institutional Shareholders
The Company recognises the importance of maintaining a dialogue with its shareholders and of keeping the market informed to ensure that its strategies and performance are well understood. During the period under review, the Company has maintained an effective communication with the market through a number of channels including Company announcements and Circulars.
The Company shall also communicate with its shareholders through the Company’s Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) to be held later in 2022, which will include resolutions such as the approval of the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2021, the election/re-election of Directors, the determination of the maximum aggregate emoluments that may be paid to Directors, the appointment of auditors and the authorisation of the Directors to set the auditors’ remuneration, as well as any other resolution as may necessary in terms of law or as required by the Company. In terms of Rule 12.26L of the Capital Market Rules, an annual general meeting shall have the right to hold an advisory vote on the remuneration report of the most recent financial year. Both the Chairman of the Board and the Chairman of the Audit Committee will be available to answer shareholder questions, which may be put forward in terms of Rule 12.24 of the Capital Markets Rules.
Apart from the AGM, the Group communicates and shall communicate with its shareholders through the publication of its Annual Report and Financial Statements, the publication of interim results, updates and articles on the Group’s website, the publication of Group announcements and press releases.
The Office of the Company Secretary maintains regular communication between the Company and its investors. Individual shareholders can raise matters relating to their shareholdings and the business of the Company at any time throughout the year, and are given the opportunity to ask questions at the AGM or to submit written questions in advance.
As provided by the Companies Act (Cap. 386), minority shareholders may convene Extraordinary General Meetings.
Principle eleven: Conflicts of Interest
The Directors are fully aware of their responsibility always to act in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders as a whole irrespective of whoever appointed or elected them to serve on the Board.
On joining the Board and regularly thereafter, the Directors are informed of their obligations on dealing in securities of the Company within the parameters of law, including the Capital Markets Rules, and Directors follow the required notification procedures.
Directors’ direct interest in the shareholding of the Company:
With the exception of Paolo Catalfamo, none of the Directors of the Company have any direct interest in the shares of the Company’s subsidiaries or investees or any disclosable interest in any contracts or arrangements either subsisting at the end of the last financial year or entered into during this financial year. No other changes in the Directors’ interest in the shareholding of the Company between year-end and 29 April 2022.
Prof. Paolo Catalfamo holds shares in the Company indirectly through his shareholding in Investar plc, through GlobalCapital Financial Management Limited as nominee for client accounts and through the Company’s own shares.
Principle twelve: Corporate social responsibility
The Company seeks to adhere to sound Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility in its management practices, and is committed to enhance the quality of life of all stakeholders of the Company. The Board is mindful of the environment and its responsibility within the community in which it operates. In carrying on its business the Company is fully aware of and at the forefront in preserving the environment and continuously reviews its policies aimed at respecting the environment and encouraging social responsibility and accountability. During the financial year under review, the Group pursued its corporate social responsibility by supporting and contributing to a number of charitable causes.
Remuneration Report
Remuneration Committee
The remuneration functions of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee were performed by Joseph Del Raso, as Chairman, as well as Joseph Schembri and Gregory Eugene McGowan as members.
Remuneration policy
The Company’s remuneration of its Directors and senior executives is based on the remuneration policy adopted and approved by the shareholders of the Company at the annual general meeting held on 9 October 2020 (the “Remuneration Policy” ). The Remuneration Policy of the Company is available for inspection on the Company’s website on . During the latest annual general meeting of the Company held on 9 November 2021, the meeting approved the Remuneration Statement published as part of the Annual Report of the Company for the financial year ended 31 December 2020. The Remuneration Policy of the Company is intended to provide an over-arching framework that establishes the principles and parameters to be applied in determining the remuneration to be paid to any member of the Board of Directors and the senior executives. The policy describes the components of such remuneration and how this contributes to the Company’s business strategy, in the context of its long-term sustainable value creation. This Remuneration Policy is divided into five parts distinguishing between directors, senior management, employees, intermediaries and service providers.
Remuneration payable to Directors
Fixed remuneration
The remuneration payable to Directors shall be fixed and will not have any incentive programmes and will therefore not receive any performance-based remuneration. None of the Directors, in their capacity as Directors of the Company, is entitled to profit-sharing, share options or pension benefits.
In addition to fixed remuneration in respect of their position as members of the Board of Directors of the Company, individual Directors who are also appointed to chair, or to sit as members of, one or more committees or sub-committees of the Company, or its subsidiaries, are entitled to receive additional remuneration as may be determined by the Board of Directors from time to time. Any such additional remuneration shall, however, form part of the aggregate emoluments of the Directors as approved by the general meeting of the Company. The basis upon which such additional remuneration is paid shall take into account the skills, competencies and technical knowledge that members of such committees require and the respective functions, duties and responsibilities attaching to membership of such committees.
Other entitlements
The Company may also pay out fringe benefits, comprising of medical and life insurance.
Director Employment Service Contracts
As at the date hereof, none of the Directors have an employment service contract.
Remuneration payable to executives
Senior executive service contracts
All senior executive contracts are of an indefinite duration and subject to the termination notice periods prescribed by law. Remuneration Report
In terms of Capital Markets Rule 12.26K, the Company is also required to draw up an annual remuneration report (the “Remuneration Report”), which report is to:
In this respect, the Company is hereby producing its remuneration report following the approval and entry into effectiveness, in October 2020, of the Remuneration Policy described in the preceding sections.
Remuneration paid to Directors
All remuneration for directors was in conformity with this policy. The remuneration paid to individual Directors during the year under review was as follows:
The Directors receive remuneration for their appointment to the Board, and remuneration for their role as members or chairpersons of any committees of the Board of the Company. The above-indicated remuneration is comprehensive also of their position as directors of any subsidiary forming part of the Group.
It is the shareholders, in terms of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, who determine the maximum annual aggregate emoluments of the directors by resolution at the annual general meeting of the Company. The aggregate amount fixed for this purpose during the last annual general meeting was €400,000.
The aggregate emoluments of the Directors in respect of their role as directors of the Company and, where applicable, as members of committees of the Board of Directors of the Company and non-executive directors of subsidiaries forming part of the Group, amounted to €175,000. The Directors do not expect the abovementioned maximum aggregate remuneration limit of €400,000 to be exceeded during the financial year ending 31 December 2022.
The Remuneration Committee is satisfied that the fixed remuneration for the year under review is in line with the core principles of the Remuneration Policy applicable during the year under review, including giving due regard to market conditions and remuneration rates offered by comparable organisations for comparable roles.
Remuneration paid to Senior Management
Remuneration paid to Senior Management amounts to €467,586 and excludes the fringe benefit for health insurance and life cover as described above.
Decision-making with respect to the Remuneration Policy Whereas the Board of Directors is responsible for determining the Remuneration Policy of the Company, the Remuneration and Nominations Committee, acting in its function as the Remuneration Committee, is, in turn, responsible for overseeing and monitoring its implementation and ongoing review thereof. This policy is to be reviewed annually by the Remuneration and Nominations Committee of the Company. The annual review will ensure that the policy remains relevant for the Company and that any improvements by way of amendments are indeed effected.
In evaluating whether it is necessary or beneficial to supplement or otherwise alter the Remuneration Policy of the Company, the Remuneration Committee have regard to, inter alia, best industry and market practice on remuneration, the remuneration policies adopted by companies operating in the same industry sectors, as well as legal and, or statutory rules, recommendations or guidelines on remuneration, including but not limited to the Code of Principles of Good Corporate Governance contained in Appendix 5.1 of the Capital Markets Rules of the Listing Authority.
Whilst members of the Remuneration Committee may be present while his/her remuneration as a Director or other officer of the Company and, or of any other company forming part of the Group, is being discussed at a meeting of such Committee, any decision taken by the Committee in this respect shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, no Director may be present while his/her remuneration as a Director or other officer of the Company and, or of any other company forming part of the Group, is being discussed.
Other information on remuneration in terms of Appendix 12.1 of the Capital Markets Rules
In terms of the requirements within Appendix 12.1 of the Capital Market Rules, the following table presents the annual change of remuneration, of the company’s performance, and of average remuneration on a full-time equivalent basis of the company’s employees (other than directors) over the two most recent financial years. The Company’s non-executive Directors, have been excluded from the table below since they have a fixed fee as described above.
The contents of the Remuneration Report have been reviewed by the external auditor to ensure that the information required in terms of Appendix 12.1 to Chapter 12 of the Capital Markets rules have been included.
Income Statement
The accounting policies and explanatory notes form an integral part of these financial statements.
Statements of financial position
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.
The financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 29 April 2022. The financial statements were signed on behalf of the Board of Directors by Prof. Paolo Catalfamo (Director) and Mr Joseph Schembri (Director) as per the Directors' Declaration on ESEF Annual Financial Report submitted in conjunction with the Annual Financial Report.
For the year ended December 31 |
Share capital |
Own shares |
Other reserves |
Merger reserve |
Retained earnings |
Total |
€ |
€ |
€ |
€ |
€ |
€ |
Balance as at 1 January 2021 |
8,735,160 |
- |
19,747 |
5,651,631 |
(21,564,589) |
(7,158,051) |
Prior year adjustment for change in accounting policy |
- |
- |
- |
- |
24,855,377 |
24,855,377 |
Restated balance as at 1 January 2021 |
8,735,160 |
- |
19,747 |
5,651,631 |
3,290,788 |
17,697,326 |
Profit for the year |
- |
- |
- |
- |
142,301 |
142,301 |
Purchase of own shares |
- |
(1,717,318) |
- |
- |
- |
(1,717,318) |
Balance as at 31 December 2021 |
8,735,160 |
(1,717,318) |
19,747 |
5,651,631 |
3,433,089 |
16,122,309 |
Balance as at 1 January 2020 |
8,735,160 |
- |
19,747 |
5,651,631 |
(20,088,203) |
(5,681,665) |
Prior year adjustment for change in accounting policy |
- |
- |
- |
- |
23,113,869 |
23,113,869 |
Restated balance as at 1 January 2020 |
8,735,160 |
- |
19,747 |
5,651,631 |
3,025,666 |
17,432,204 |
Loss for the year |
- |
- |
- |
- |
265,122 |
265,122 |
Balance as at 31 December 2020 |
8,735,160 |
- |
19,747 |
5,651,631 |
3,290,788 |
17,697,326 |
Balance as at 1 January 2019 |
8,735,160 |
- |
19,747 |
5,481,240 |
(18,010,088) |
(3,773,941) |
Prior year adjustment for change in accounting policy |
- |
- |
- |
- |
23,780,423 |
23,780,423 |
Restated balance as at 1 January 2019 |
8,735,160 |
- |
19,747 |
5,481,240 |
5,770,335 |
20,006,482 |
Loss for the year |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(2,744,669) |
(2,744,669) |
Movement for the year |
- |
- |
- |
170,391 |
- |
170,391 |
Balance as at 31 December 2019 |
8,735,160 |
- |
19,747 |
5,651,631 |
3,025,666 |
17,432,204 |