Company Announcements – 2007


Change in Senior Officer (18 December 2007)
Interim Directors statement (15 November 2007)
Change in Senior Officer – 06 September (06 September 2007)
Interim Financial statements (24 August 2007)
Board Meeting to be held and yearly financial statements available for viewing (16 August 2007)
The subsidiary GlobalCapital Investments Ltd acquired a license to transact the business of
financial institution (31 July 2007)
Approval of resolutions at AGM (02 July 2007)
Resolutions to be presented at AGM (27 June 2007)
Interim Directors statement (1) (29 May 2007)
Approval of Financial statements for YE 31 Dec’06 and recommendation of final and special
dividend (23 March 2007)
Board Meeting to be held (09 March 2007)


Change in Senior Officer (18 December 2007)
Interim Directors statement (15 November 2007)
Change in Senior Officer – 06 September
(06 September 2007)
Interim Financial statements (24 August 2007)
Board Meeting to be held and yearly financial
statements available for viewing (16 August 2007)
The subsidiary GlobalCapital Investments Ltd
acquired a license to transact the business of
financial institution (31 July 2007)
Approval of resolutions at AGM (02 July 2007)
Resolutions to be presented at AGM
(27 June 2007)
Interim Directors statement (1) (29 May 2007)
Approval of Financial statements for YE 31 Dec’06
and recommendation of final and special dividend
(23 March 2007)
Board Meeting to be held (09 March 2007)

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