GlobalCapital Financial Management Limited (GCFM) is authorized by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) to conduct investment business pursuant to the Investment Services Act, Chapter 370 of the Laws of Malta
GlobalCapital Financial Management Limited, established way back in 2002, strives to give its Institutional & Professional clients Investment Solutions with a personalised approach. Our Integrated Product Financial Advisors are available to discuss the different investment solutions appropriate to each client based on their risk appetite and investment horizon needs.
Board of Directors

Prof Paolo Catalfamo

Mr Joseph Schembri
Non Executive Director

Mr Konrad Camilleri
Managing Director

Dr Andrea Giovanni Carini
Board of Directors

Prof Paolo Catalfamo

Mr Konrad Camilleri
Managing Director

Dr Andrea Giovanni Carini

Mr Joseph Schembri
Non Executive Director
GlobalCapital Financial Management Ltd PDFs
Global Funds SICAV p.l.c.
GlobalCapital Financial Management Limited - RTS 28 Reports
GlobalCapital Financial Management Limited - Tariff Schedule
SFDR Disclosures – No Consideration of Sustainability Adverse Impacts
GCFM - Notices To Retail Clients
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is composed entirely of non-executive Directors and assists the Board in monitoring and reviewing the Group’s financial statements, accounting policies and internal control mechanisms in accordance with the Committee’s terms of reference. The responsibilities of the Audit Committee also include the review and approval of related party transactions in accordance with the Listing Rules. The Audit Committee also approves and reviews the Group’s Compliance Plan and Internal Audit Plan prior to the commencement of every financial year and monitors the implementation of these plans.
The Group’s Internal Auditors, the Company’s External Auditors and Chief Financial Officer are invited to attend Audit Committee Meetings on a regular basis, as deemed appropriate.
The Committee comprises:
- Mr Joseph Schembri (Chairman)
- Mr Joseph Del Raso
- Mr Gregory McGowan
Nominations and Remunerations Committee
The Nominations and Remuneration Committee is responsible for making recommendations for appointment to the Board and for reviewing the constitution of the Group’s Boards, in order to ensure that appointments to Boards are conducted in a systematic, objective and consistent manner. It is also responsible for the review of performance of the Group’s Board members and committees, the appointment of senior executives and management and the development of a succession plan for senior executives and management.
Additionally, this committee monitors, reviews and advises on the Group’s remuneration policy as well as approves the remuneration packages of senior executives and management.
The Committee comprises:
- Mr Joseph Del Raso (Chairman)
- Mr Joseph Schembri
- Mr Gregory McGowan
Life Insurance Financial Statements and Solvency & Financial Condition Report